Are you ready to bake delicious english muffins at home? I found a great recipe for doing just that at Recipes For the Future. Join me in making these tasty breakfast treats from scratch with your sourdough starter.
The first step is to make sure that you starter is fed. (This means adding flour and water and bringing it to room temperature.) Then mix up the dough as follows:
- 1/2 cup sourdough starter
- 1 and 3/4 cups all purpose flour
- 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 cup water (if your water doesn't taste good to drink out of the tap, consider using bottled water)
Stir it up well, cover with cling wrap and let it sit on the counter overnight (about 7 to 10 hours). In the morning, add
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon sea salt (or 1/2 tsp table salt)
- 2 Tablespoons white sugar
- Up to 3/4 cup additional AP flour (add gradually as shown below)

(My dad asked why I couldn't use a cookie cutter for this step. And you could. But don't blame me if your family laughs when you serve breakfast bread in the shape of a gingerbread man or Valentine's heart.)

In the background you can see that I am placing the cut-outs on cookie trays. What you can't see is that they have been generously covered in cornmeal. This is an important step - not only to make sure they don't stick, but so that your muffins turn out looking like the ones you get at the store. As my husband would say, the cornmeal "is a feature".

Also, when I say you treat 'em like pancakes, that is also how you will know when to flip them. Cause you're only flippin' these little boogers once. While cooking the first side, wait till you can see bubbles on the top and then you know it's time to flip them over. Then the time it takes to cook the second side will be slightly less than what it took for the first side. Ballpark figure? Probably 4 or 5 minutes for the first side on medium heat, and then maybe 3 minutes on the second side. But really, wait for bubbles on the first side and then check the bottom side for when it is nice and brown.

They look so good! You've been a busy little baker - wonderful instructions too.
Thanks! I've been having fun, that's for sure.
They wouldn't look half as good without your delicious homemade jam on top, though! :0)
I read your blog alot. These look just delicious. I might have to make an attempt at baking. Thanks for sharing the step-by-step photos too. Makes things easier for a non-cook like me!
Not Exactly Bento - Thanks for commenting! I know I appreciate step-by-step photos on other websites, so now I am trying to do more of that.
I am still just learning my way around the kitchen, so I like to see what it is supposed to look like at each step. Then if I need to adjust something, I can. I have a hard time with recipes that just tell you the steps, because I won't know if something's gone wrong until the end! :0P
In case no one has mentioned it lately, you're terribly impressive!
Good job. They look delicious.
Aww... thanks, Andrea. :0)
How am I suppose to lose weight when you constantly post things like this
These are fantastic. I quadrupled the recipe and gave some away. It was difficult but I made huge points with the neighbors and my family. I let the dough sit in the fridge overnight after the first step. This helps bring out the sourdough qualities. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!
Glad you enjoyed the recipe, Eicher. :)
My boss gave me your recipe to try. They are delish!!!!
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