Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Humble Omelette


This morning I awoke thinking of the lovely, complimentary omelette breakfasts we would have when we were traveling on points across Europe and Japan.  I've not made enough omelettes to really master it, so I looked up a recipe (which has much prettier pictures than mine, incidentally, if you are interested) and started chopping up ingredients.

I placed three eggs in the bowl,

added two tablespoons of water,

a generous pinch of kosher salt

and some pepper

and mixed it all together with a fork.

Not having an "eight inch skillet" that was recommended, I improvised, and melted margarine onto the bottom of a pot that seemed about that size across the bottom instead.

I used my spatula as directed to move the egg away from the side and let the uncooked egg have a turn on the hot surface. Once I judged the egg was about "75% cooked" I added my ingredients, adding turkey and chopped bell pepper to the recommended cheese.

Then I attempted the fold.  Ahem.  There are no pictures of what happened next. The cooked egg on the outside tore open while the egg in the middle remained gooey and rather than serve uncooked egg to my husband, I scrambled the thing and plated it in disgust.

On my second go round, I used olive oil spray on the pot instead. I only used two eggs, since I wasn't that hungry, and reduced the water to one tablespoon. I (sadly) omitted the cheese (since I have a dairy allergy).  With only two eggs, the omelette cooked nicely.  Without as much fat in the pan it browned a bit on the outside.

However, the fold went much better, the egg was cooked, and it had a nice omelette-y texture which was a pleasant change from my normal scrambled eggs. And, with just a spritz of cooking spray, this was a zero point breakfast. Yum!

If only I had been able to resist following it up with the last of the cinnamon rolls, it would have been a very healthy choice indeed.

I'm curious, do you have a method you prefer for making omelettes?  I seem to remember putting the lid on and letting the steam complete the cook the last method I used.

Happy cooking!

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